Wednesday, May 15, 2013



  1. The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

I'm sorry for letting the busyness of life keep me from updating this blog, which is supposed to be my outlet online. Hence, the name. I can't believe that it took me so long to write here again. And, I really, really need to vent. But, because some feelings have been bottled up for so long and then ignored afterwards, it will only be a matter of time before everything blows up in my face. So, now even if it's a bit late in the night where I live, I wanted to find the time to finally blog again. I have so many ideas, quotes, visions and pictures to blog but it's all a big jumbled mess now and I don't know where to begin and I fear that I am losing time on putting it all here because other priorities in life have taken precedence over this. 

I hate that I feel guilty doing something as simple as blogging or venting out here when other people are doing seemingly important things. But, I realized that this is important to me! Very important! For my health and sanity. This is my catharsis. And, I shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed for wanting to do this. 

It's just that it's difficult when you are surrounded by people you love but don't understand you no matter how hard you try to. I can't make other people see things the way I see them, but I can at least try to open their eyes to other possibilities while being open as well to their ideas or ways of life. I'm just wondering why some people care too much and some just don't care at all. Or, is it just me who is really so affected by certain things or events? I can't expect other people to react the way I do during times of crisis or sadness or problems, but maybe a little bit of two-way communication helps. And, a huge dose of patience. 

Gosh! I honestly thought I was patient, but time and again, I am proven wrong. I manage to snap at the wrong people over things that have come to pass and I'm really sorry. I hope that a mega dose of patience will be given not just to me, but most especially to the people around me.  

Anyway, what am I even venting about? I guess, I'm just frustrated when things don't go as planned, especially when it's a team effort and the team that you have chosen does not have your back when you need them the most. I admit it hurts and I cry about it. It's normal because I am human and I have a heart and feelings and a soul. I'm not made of stone after all, hooray! I don't know about some people though...

But, anyhoo after the rain comes the rainbow, as cheesy as that sounds. There are  problems in life, but there will always be a solution to it. Sometimes, it's so simple that we even overlook it. It's just a matter of refocusing on the solution and not dwelling on the problem. However, a solution is not always found immediately. So, patience and faith really helps me get through all of it. 

Honestly, if you knew me, you'd think, what the heck is my problem. I'm so blessed that I shouldn't even complain about anything. So, yeah, I'll just write about my frustrations and as the words flow from my body to my fingers to the keyboard, I feel the sadness, frustration and grief flow out of my system. Putting pen to paper has always been my go-to outlet, but I find that typing is also cathartic to me so here I am now typing my feelings away.

I think I'm gonna be okay now that I have vented out. I'll just post some nice quotes to buoy me back into my bubbly and positive self. Even if negatrons are around me. I need to find a way to coexist with them and hopefully lead them to positivity without losing my own positivity. 

"She has learned to have her catharsis, take a deep breath and move on. … she does not dwell on the negative anymore." —Selena Roberts, New York Times, 24 June 2001

Disclaimer: I don't even know if what I've typed makes sense but who cares. It's called venting for a reason. It's not supposed to be in order or perfect. 

Okay, time to end this post and move on to brighter and joyous things.

So, later alligator and in a while crocodile because some positive posts will follow...

Muchos gracias for blogs! :-)

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