Thursday, September 20, 2012


Patience IS a virtue... that I do not have (sometimes!)

I thought I was patient, until something happens that tries my patience for the nth time. I mean, compared to others, I don't easily blow my top when something bad happens, or when I encounter something annoying. I think I have a high tolerance for these things. But, the problem is, whenever you try to tolerate such things, there is a risk of the annoyance building up inside you. And then one day, you'll just blow up at the silliest thing, which isn't even half as annoying as the previous ones you've encountered!

I have been learning a lot about patience lately. For one thing, it takes a great deal of patience to actually BE patient. And, it is easier said than done. Plus, if you think you've been patient before, then wait for another instance when you have to be even more patient. At least, I know that I'm becoming patient as I age hahaha! 

My life right now consists of moments where I  have to do a lot of waiting around and seeing what happens. Not entirely by choice, but because of circumstances that have arisen in my life which I have no control over. I mean, try as you may, you really can't control everything in your life or plan it to the minutest detail. Something will eventually go awry and something's gotta give. So, I sit and patiently wait. 

I'm not gonna lie though. It is frustrating! That's why whenever I have to wait for something to be done, like waiting for files to be downloaded, I make sure that I do something else while waiting. It doesn't necessarily have to be the most productive thing. Sometimes, I just read a chapter of a book I've been dying to finish. Other times, I just watch some show, surf the internet or listen to music. I just make sure I sneak in something to do while waiting, even, daydreaming, just to fill the time. That way, I feel as if I didn't completely waste my time. And, it keeps me from becoming bored or impatient because I am a bit distracted with another task. Pretty soon, the waiting will be over and I would have barely noticed it, wondering where the time went. 

For annoying things, like finding your cat's hairballs in unexpected places and having to clean it up, then I am still learning to be more patient about it. But, like anything else, you get used to it. What else can you do but clean it up right? And then, have your cat checked at the vet. No use getting angry at your cat because it's an accident anyway. My cat actually looks so sorry after he has a hairball episode that he hides from me, afraid that I'll get mad. Good thing, I never do. Lucky cat! hahaha. I guess I love him too much to punish him for something that is also beyond his control. I even try to go to him afterwards just to pat him and assure him that I'm not mad and I forgive him because I know he didn't mean for it to happen. Yeah, I'm weird. So sue me! :-P Hahaha! But, it works, you know? My cat seemingly understands and is reassured. After that, he goes about his usual business as if nothing happened. Typical cat behavior! 

Anyhow, before this post turns into a novel, I will cut it short. You guys might not have enough patience to continue reading about patience anymore. :-P

So, farewell for now! And please God, help me to become more patient... NOW! (hahaha! Sorry for being too demanding!) Guess I need some MORE patience after all. ;-)

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